group that does Team Work together on Product Development (ideally Agile Product Development) or D And D (more)

startup idea book, see backlinks

Delegative democracy is a form of democratic control whereby voting power is vested in delegates, rather than representatives. This term is a generic description of either already existing or proposed popular control apparatuses. (more)

Distraction by Bruce Sterling (1998!) ISBN:0553576399 (more)


The Authenticated Transfer Protocol, aka atproto, is a federated protocol for large-scale distributed social applications. This document will introduce you to the ideas behind the AT Protocol. for BlueSky

The beginning-of-the-end of the US Golden Age? See section of A 20th Century Economic Theory. (more)

Robert Charles Venturi Jr. (June 25, 1925 – September 18, 2018) was an American architect, founding principal of the firm Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates. Together with his wife and partner, Denise Scott Brown, he helped shape the way that architects, planners and students experience and think about architecture and the built environment. Their buildings, planning, theoretical writings, and teaching have also contributed to the expansion of discourse about architecture. Venturi was awarded the Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 1991; the prize was awarded to him alone, despite a request to include his equal partner, Scott Brown. Subsequently, a group of women architects attempted to get her name added retroactively to the prize, but the Pritzker Prize jury declined to do so.[1][2][3] Venturi coined the maxim "Less is a bore", a postmodern antidote to Mies van der Rohe's famous modernist dictum "Less is more". Venturi lived in Philadelphia with Denise Scott Brown. He is the father of James Venturi, founder and principal of ReThink Studio.

Paul Aligica and Vlad Tarko: Polycentricity: From Polanyi to Ostrom, and Beyond. The article overviews and elaborates the concept of polycentricity, defined as a structural feature of social systems of many decision centers having limited and autonomous prerogatives and operating under an overarching set of rules. The article starts by introducing the concept as it was advanced by Michael Polanyi and developed by Elinor Ostrom and Vincent Ostrom. It continues introducing possible instances of polycentricity as well as related notions, as part of an attempt to further elaborate the concept through a concept design approach that systematically applies the logic of necessary and sufficient conditions. The article concludes by arguing that the polycentricity conceptual framework is not only a robust analytical structure for the study of complex social phenomena, but is also a challenging method of drawing nonad hoc analogies between different types of selforganizing complex social systems. (polycentric governance) (more)

Elinor Ostrom: Beyond Markets and States - Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems. Common pool resources (CPRs) (commons) and public goods at multiple scales builds on classical economic theory while developing new theory to explain phenomena that do not fit in a dichotomous world of “the market” and “the state.” (more)

In economics, a public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous in that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from use and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others... This is in contrast to a common good which is non-excludable but is rivalrous to a certain degree. (more)

Ron Purser: It is a pity that you quote the definition of a system from On Purposeful Systems. That was one of the things I had hoped to correct in our second, revised edition. This second edition never came to pass. (more)

Karin Backstrand: Accountability of Networked Climate Governance: The Rise of Transnational Climate Partnerships. Public-private partnerships (PPP) have been advanced as a new tool of global governance, which can supply both effective and legitimate governance. The around 300 multistakeholder partnerships launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) have gained public attention and been subject to scholarly assessment.1 The aim of this paper is twofold: to categorize and map the landscape of transnational climate partnerships and to evaluate the accountability of different types of partnerships. (climate change) (more)

Michael Polanyi FRS[1] (/poʊˈlænji/ poh-LAN-yee; Hungarian: Polányi Mihály; 11 March 1891 – 22 February 1976) was a Hungarian-British[2] polymath, who made important theoretical contributions to physical chemistry, economics, and philosophy. He argued that positivism is a false account of knowing... His wide-ranging research in physical science included chemical kinetics, x-ray diffraction, and adsorption of gases... The contributions which Polanyi made to the social sciences include the concept of a polycentric spontaneous order and his rejection of a value neutral conception of liberty. They were developed in the context of his opposition to central planning.

Karl Paul Polanyi (/poʊˈlænji/; Hungarian: Polányi Károly [ˈpolaːɲi ˈkaːroj]; 25 October 1886 – 23 April 1964)[1] was an Austro-Hungarian economic anthropologist, economic sociologist, and politician,[2] best known for his book The Great Transformation, which questions the conceptual validity of self-regulating markets.[3] In his writings, Polanyi advances the concept of the Double Movement, which refers to the dialectical process of marketization and push for social protection against that marketization. He argues that market-based societies in modern Europe were not inevitable but historically contingent. cf free market

Robin Berjon's pieces over the last year have me looking into network governance designs.... but he links largely to academic papers, which quickly MEGO. What am I looking for???? (more)

Cedric Chin: Dancing Landscapes in Business. I had a conversation with Dr. Rand Spiro. Spiro is the primary researcher behind Cognitive Flexibility Theory. (more)


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