Personal Moat

Career concept: cf personal branding, So Good They Can't Ignore You, parallel to business strategic moat

Erik Torenberg

  • Nov'2018 tweetstorm: In the internet economy, what has become scarce are things like specific knowledge, rare & valuable skills, and great reputations.
  • Personal moats, in rank order: A/ Building a successful company; B/ Building rare & valuable skillset / domain (e.g. Laura Deming; C/ Building an asset
  • 7/ Steps to building a moat if you’re not going to start a company: a) “Get in the game”; b) Build an asset that builds some social capital; c) Convert social capital to financial capital (e.g invest)*
  • 6/ What are assets? In technology, what do startups need help with? Distribution; Recruiting; Fundraising; Expertise. Build something that helps startups with a core need.
  • 8/ First you have to “get in the game”. What does this mean? Place yourself in the surface area of interesting opportunities.
  • Sept'2020 post

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