
I bought an HP PhotoSmart 7760v Ink Jet printer in Dec'2005 (it was manufactured Aug'2004). Since I have no real workspace at home, I stick the printer back in the box/closet when I'm not using it. I don't think it likes sitting sideways like that.

2009 update: bought multi-function PhotoSmart C309a: 2009-10-05-HpPhotosmartMultifunctionBox

  • uses HP564 cartridges
  • scanning won't work wirelessly, or when box connected to Time Capsule. It used to work when printer was directly on the UVerse WiFi network, but then it stopped. Web Scan still works but only for 1 page, not with the feeder.
    • hmm, could loss of Scan Pro-via-WiFi have been first step toward Wireless radio going completely dead in Mar'2012? So, if I replace card, might I get that function back?

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