Robert Putnam
Social Capital guru; Communitarian?
- Better Together (2003) ISBN:0743235479 case studies of recent projects
- Democracies In Flux (2002) ISBN:0195171608 global discussions of issues from Bowling Alone
- Bowling Alone (2000) ISBN:0743203046
- "there are just as many people bowling now as there were 30 years ago, but they aren't in leagues anymore"
- maybe everyone's in a Two Income Family with kids? Or maybe the Middle Class is working longer hours? I know I can't even consider a hobby that requires scheduled sessions.
- "there are just as many people bowling now as there were 30 years ago, but they aren't in leagues anymore"
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (1993) ISBN:0691037388
- Hanging Together (1984) ISBN:0674372263 about the G7 meetings
Barkley Rosser says: He is the great advocate of social capital, but he is the great advocate of the idea of membership in civic organizations as its measure and deepest reality, not generalized trust, although the question of generalized social capital, the “bridging” variety to use his terminology from Bowling Alone, versus the narrow “bonding” social capital that occurs within narrow groups, ethnic or mafia or whatever, is very crucial. He wants the bridging kind.
comment from MargieMacWilliams via email: I read Mr. Putnam's article in Time magazine with a great deal of interest. I simply would like to say that I believe a big part of the isolation of Americans stems from the malls and the loss of the "town". We still live in towns, but we have lost our communities. I can remember when every town had a Grocery Store, Hardware Store, clothing stores, a couple gas stations, dry cleaners, and a five-and-dime--all privately owned (Small Retail). This has been destroyed by the monopolies and huge mega businesses with which no one else can compete. We used to see our neighbors in these stores and we felt like we belonged to a community. That is gone.
Notes from Bowling Alone
Way too long a book, but is nicely organized. I'll fill in some notes on the chapters I read.
Section 1, Chapter 1 - Thinking about Social Change in America
Section 2 - Trends in Civic Engagement and Social Capital
Chapter 2 Political Participation (Political Engagement)
Chapter 3 Civic Participation
Chapter 4 Religious Participation
Chapter 5 Connections in the Workplace
Chapter 6 Informal Social Connections
Chapter 7 Altruim, Volunteering, and Philanthropy
Chapter 8 Reciprocity (Tit For Tat), Honesty, and Trust
Chapter 9 Against the Tide? Small Groups, Social Movements, and the Net (Virtual Community)
Section 3 - Why (is Social Capital declining)?
Chapter 10 - Introduction
Chaper 11 - Pressures of Time and Money (Two Income Family)
Chapter 12 - Mobility and Sprawl
Chapter 13 - Technology and Mass Media
Chapter 14 - From Generation to Generation
Chapter 15 - What Killed Civic Engagement? Summing Up.
Section 4 - So What?
Chapter 16 - Introduction
Chapter 17 - Education and Children's Welfare
Chapter 18 - Safe and Productive Neighborhoods
Chapter 19 - Economic Prosperity
Chapter 20 - Health and Happiness
Chapter 21 - Democracy
Chapter 22 - The Dark Side of Social Capital
Section 5 - What is To be Done?
Chapter 23 - Lessons of History: The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era
Chapter 24 - Toward and Agenda for Social Capitalists
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