School Of Everything
Dougald Hine: School of Everything became an internet startup, with investors and tens of thousands of members. We won awards and got written about in the papers. We didn’t get it all right. There was a revolutionary passion at the heart of School of Everything, but we allowed ourselves to get off-track — to build something investable, rather than listen to our guts... The part we got wrong was that we built a system for making transactions — an “eBay for learning” as Cory Doctorow described it — when we knew from our own experience that learning is not a commodity to be exchanged. It’s something that happens between people, over time, within relationships. But here’s what we got right. We knew that the real power of the internet was not about spending more of our lives in front of screens. When universities were busy building campuses in Second Life, we were out there talking about First Life — about the way the web makes it easier to find each other, to get together and make things happen in the flesh. And that wasn’t as obvious five years ago as it is now that we live in a world where everything from a birthday party to an insurrection gets organised over social media.
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