Wealth Bondage
Wealth Bondage is a work of art in the neoclassical tradition provided as a public service by My Gift Coach to delight and instruct natural and non-natural persons of wealth and their constituents.
http://www.wealthbondage.com/ - used to be http://www.mygiftcoach.org/
I can't figure out what the heck is going on behind the scenes at this blog, but they are definitely channeling the weird shit!
Explanation --The Happy Tutor, 2003/07/14 01:24 GMT
Wealth Bondage = Consumer Society, our Bondage to Wealth, and to the things money buys. Wealth Bondage is also a Bordello, since we wallow in our vices and call them Brands. It is a Sadomasochistic Bordello, because our Masters in Marketing reduce us to the Slaves, happier than pigs in shit. It is a work of art, in that it consists of nothing but lies. It is neoclassical in that it is an imitation of Augustan Models, particularly Swift and John Gay. It delights and instructs, for this was always the Horation alibi for satire. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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