(2009-09-08) Timecapsule And Uverse

So it's time to get my Time Capsule working with UVerse.

UVerse is already giving me WiFi around the house, driven by a box in the basement where the cables all come together.

My Time Capsule is up on the ground floor, next to Jihi's DeskTop. So I can wire those 2 together if need be, but I can't wire between the Time Capsule and the UVerse box.

I want the Time Capsule to (a) provide Back Up and (b) give Printer Sharing.

Update: turned out to be pretty simple. Once I turned on the Time Capsule, I had to switch to desktop (running Airport Utility) to use the Time Capsule's old WiFi network. Then I could change the settings on it to "join an existing wireless network" and enter the UVerse password.

Oct'2009 update - no longer using for Printer Sharing - 2009-10-05-HpPhotosmartMultifunctionBox

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