(2017-04-26) No You Dont Need Another Twitter Or Another Medium

Marco Fioretti: No, you don't need another Twitter. Or another Medium.

What if, in your browser or smartphone, you had ONE service for instant messaging, and ONE for non-real (async) time messaging, aka e-mail, and you could use them (as already happens with email) to communicate with EVERYBODY? With such a service, would you really, really need to use Facebook chat, AND Whatsapp AND Telegram etc etc?

optimize for ONE user all the software described in the previous paragraph

package everything into ONE software bundle, easily installable on any physical or virtual server, easily movable from any server to any other…

Forget about “communities” (at that level, at least): think individual, human beings.

If what you want is an open, freedom-respecting alternative to that one huge island, building “single-user” SMALL islands that are capable to directly connect to each other may be both much easier, and more coherent. (P2P, IndieWeb)

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