(2018-04-18) Fuck Your Planning - Kris Gage

Kris Gage: Fuck Your “PlanningPlanning is procrastination, not action

Needing “a plan” is always fear-based.

The issue isn’t plans — plans are fine, in and of themselves. The issue is people who can’t do anything without plans, whose knee-jerk, default response to any unknown is to compulsively “figure out a plan” — to get “certainty.”

Goal-writing, like many lists, is just self-soothing. It’s a great first step, but it’s not how things are accomplished.

I like Napoleon Hill as much as the next guy, but I also recognize that that circle-jerk will only get you so far.

All I had in all these examples was: a singular, high-level objective, a driving desire to achieve it, and binary metrics of success (did I hit it: yes or no?)

I have worked with a remarkable number of “planners” who are totally useless when it comes to achieving a goal.

I don’t have time for people who are immobilized by lack of clarity. Life is lack of clarity. The goal gives “clarity.” Go.

“Preparation” is not the same as “perfectionist planning”

Someone armored with “the perfect plan” but still crumbling internally by fear and uncertainty is going to perform worse than someone without a plan but full of confidence

Confidence comes from action — and focusing on the right thing.

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