(2019-04-30) Aldrich Ideas For Indieweb-ifying Hypothesis

Chris Aldrich: Ideas for IndieWeb-ifying Hypothes.is. I’d like to be able to receive notifications from people publicly annotating, highlighting, and replying to my content and potentially display those directly on either my website in the comments section or as marginalia.

Sadly all the data on this particular page seems to be rendered using JavaScript rather than being raw HTML

These things would make these pages more easily and usefully parseable on the open web. If/when Hypothes.is may support Webmention (aka web notifications) then all of these prerequisite pieces will already be in place.

To my knowledge there are three distinct types of annotations that might occur which may need slightly different microformats mark up depending on the type. These are:

  • Unassigned page notes (or sometimes orphaned page notes): For all intents and purposes are the equivalent of bookmarks (and are used this way by many) though they go by a different name within the service.
  • Highlights of particular passages: In IndieWeb parlance, these are roughly equivalent to quotations of content.
  • Highlights and annotations (Highlighting And Annotating) of particular passages: In IndieWeb terms these again are quotes of content which also have what might be considered a reply or comment to that segment of quoted text. Alternately the annotation itself might be considered a note related to what was highlighted, but I suspect from a UI and semantic viewpoint, treating these as replies is probably more apropos in the majority of cases.

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