(2020-12-18) Antifragile Writing With Roam Research

Antifragile Writing with Roam Research. How many notes and ideas get aisle, lost, or broken in what we write in our journal, notebooks, drafts, documents. or apps?

Three basic elements to start writing on Roam: Daily Pages (daily review), outlining, linking.

Nietzsche: aphorisms and rumination. Writing aphorisms. Define an idea, explain after. DaVinci's variations for expression. Write fast, explore combinations, subtractions, or additions later.

Euclid's ideas in movement. From simplicity to complexity, one step at a time. The rhizomatic craft of Deleuze & Guattari. Cultivating and growing first, pruning after.

Bullet journaling basics. Logging, bullets, collections. The importance of migration. Basics of zettelkasten. Write first, organize later. Index cards as an elemental unit. Nesting and linking.

Taleb's fractals or the craft of repetition. Layers and recursion. Fragments. The art of provocation. Andy Matuschak's evergreen note-writing. The writing inbox for transient and incomplete notes. Drafting evergreen notes.

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