(2021-04-25) Move To DigitalOcean
I gave up ((2021-03-01) Massive Server Upgrade) and asked friend for help in setting up wildcard-SSL. She, who had nudged me to Linode years ago, suggesting after some initial work, that I move to Digital Ocean. So doing that.
- Set up $20/mo droplet, generate keypair for login security.
- set up GitLab for code (I had never pushed to GitHub)
- update nameserver info at hover to point to DigitalOcean, set up domain there. (adding this line after the fact)
certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d 'flux.garden,*.flux.garden'
→ have to manually enter the TXT DNS record - I think there's no auto-renew with this approach...
Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:
Your cert will expire on 2021-07-25. To obtain a new or tweaked
version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot
again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run
"certbot renew"
- ugh realize my git is a mess - I had done a bunch of commits up until Jan27, then I just copied the whole folder (within py2) to a new (py3) location and started (2021-02-07) Migrating to Python3, and never committed again.... Today I just directly scp'd my current code to DigitalOcean, then later pushed by py3 to GitLab without having updated it.
- my friend just took my fresh code and committed it
- she says: "The best way to clear out git is to clone into a new dir, overwrite everything you want to overwrite, commit, push". I was thinking I could do a
git pull
, but then realized it wouldn't be happy because I have changes that are a branch off.... So rename my local folder, then dogit clone
to get fresh copy. - do
flask run
on server, → fail
File "/home/bill/wikiweb/config.py", line 4, in Config
SECRET_KEY = os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/os.py", line 675, in __getitem__
raise KeyError(key) from None
KeyError: 'SECRET_KEY'
- there's a
which contains SECRET_KEY - do
pip3 install python-dotenv
then try again - wait is dotenv supposed to read
? Ah,.env
- socp .envfile .env
- now
flask run
runs, though it's the fake-server not nginx - do local
curl localhost:5000/webseitz
and get a flask error page, so that's promising... - kill that server, launch the uwsgi (
sudo systemctl restart wikiweb
), hit, get promising redirect-then-fail - check logs (
etc) - need password for db (before didn't need password, psql was just accepting local connections)
- password and other info is in
- addDATABASE_URL='postgresql://username:password@host:port/database'
to that - still not working
- realize that still needed to install some libraries, did that. Now all the
variations work (both outer and inner). - the 'hunter' host redirecting - ah, that account isn't set to paid, so it redirects you to log in, then tells you that.
- fix my local
file to stop grabbingflux.garden
and instead grabflux2.garden
- now the real one goes out to the real dig-ocean server so I can test the live server right. Hitting it fine. - edit
record so it's paid/permitted, then hit that → outer shows fine, can log in, can edit inner, etc - so feels like digO server passes tests....
How have to get my local server running again, after the various git games... so I can continue the code on that side.
- commit/push on server for the config/db-url change
- pull to laptop
- copy over
from previous place - edit
for the local db-url, and for `SERVER_NAME = 'flux2.garden:5000' flask run
→command not found: flask
- derp I wasn't in
;flask run
→ running - so this is latest on how to launch on laptop - remember to have psql running first - hit http://flux2.garden:5000/ get splash page!
- hit http://webseitz.flux2.garden:5000/wiki get FrontPage!
- notice that there are directories of code duplicated at various levels of my code tree.
- delete all the dupes, commit
- (2022-08-25) Move webseitz to DigitalOcean
- (2022-02-11) Moving TwinPages to FluxGarden
- move rest of Linode - old webpy apps
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