(2022-02-11) Moving TwinPages to FluxGarden

When building Backlinks natively in FluxGarden, rather than calling the WikiGraph wikigraph.net widget, I left the TwinPages widget behind. (2021-05-30) Updating WikiGraph Backlinks in Real-time

But Neil Mather notes that I don't have SSL working for wikigraph.net, so embedding the TwinPages widget means his pages get "mixed" content warnings.


  • get SSL working for wikigraph.net (which is running on ancient web.py)
    • probably would do that at LiNode, but could also move the whole thing to Digital Ocean, but I don't think that buys me much
  • built the TwinPages widget into flux.garden which has SSL
  • other?

I'll dig into moving-to-FluxGarden approach....


  • do I put all these remote pages into the nodes table, with null body? Yes, I suppose
    • I have field wiki_name for the ID, and wiki_name_lower (which includes dashes) for matching names
  • and each space goes into the spaces table
    • owner_id? I think I'll assign them to me for now, and with privacy='remote'
    • I'll need to add a page_pattern field
  • ok, alter spaces, then insert record for ThoughtStorms (id=39 on my laptop)
  • so wiki_name has to hold the URL (see esp NikitaVoloboev case with paths, so wiki_name = 'sharing/everything-I-know')
  • insert ToolsForThought for Thoughtstorms
  • set spaces.page_pattern for WebSeitzWiki
    • using local URL, will have to change in prod
    • will have to change all spaces in prod

FluxGarden backlinks code structure

  • backlinks() function returns list, page template renders (note that this is a simple flat list, simpler than TwinPages will be)

So code plan for TwinPages is

  • twinpages() function to return data
    • search on lower(referer) == wiki_name_lower, return wiki_name?
  • render that in page template
  • add twinpages.js() route with twinpages_js() function to take the data and render as JavaScript

Feb13 have local rendering working with ThoughtStorms case

insert local record for DoubleLoop to confirm messier pattern works (id=40)

  • Feb15: works

Nikita, who has paths for his pages - will do Nuclear Energy

  • Feb15: works

next: JavaScript widget

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

No Space passed/matched! - http://fluxent.com/wiki/RemoteWikiURLhttpwikiosafoundationorgbinviewMain