(2021-07-15) CortexFutura Don't Fiddle With Your Note-taking System

Cortex Futura: Don't Fiddle With Your Note-Taking System. People in the PKM space often chuckle a bit at people who discover a new app every couple of weeks and switch their note-taking over. The folk wisdom is that these people are wasting their time, their sense of "productivity" is false, that fiddling with their system is a hobby and not serious work. Like most folk wisdom there's a kernel of truth, grown into a thicket of nonsense.

When I coach people how to use Roam for their note-taking, the people who fiddle with their system the most are the ones easiest to teach. The reason is that they are the ones who know the best what they actually want out of their system, and where their process is failing them. (Reflective Thinker)

The key is to fiddle with your system consciously, in a directed way.

Tip 2: Write down the goals of the system

Tip 3: Don't stress about it

Fiddling with your note-taking system as little as possible is keeping you from small but compounding improvements. So do fiddle with your note-taking system, in a directed way.

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