(2021-08-24) On Programmer Behaviours That Make Scrum So Bad

On programmer behaviours that make Scrum so bad. Respectable persons of this parish of Internet have been, shall we say, critical of Scrum and its ability to help makers (particularly software developers) to make things (particularly software). Ron Jeffries and GeePaw Hill have both deployed the bullshit word.

My own view, which I have described before, is that Scrum is a baseline product delivery process and a process improvement framework. Unfortunately, not many of us are trained or experienced in process improvement, not many of us know what we should be measuring to get a better process, so the process never improves.

At best, then, many Scrum organisations stick with the baseline process. That is still scadloads better than what many software organisations were trying before they had heard of Agile and Scrum

we used to spend two months working out all the tasks that would go into our six month project. Then we’d spend 15 months trying to implement them, then we’d all point at everybody else to explain why it hadn’t worked

So when these respectable Internet parishioners say that Scrum is bad, this is how bad it has to be to reach that mark.

In this article I wanted to look at some of the things I, and software engineering peers around me, have done to make Scrum this bad. Because, as Ron says, Scrum is systemically bad, and we are part of the system.

it’s a terrible mistake to assume that this sprint’s velocity should be the same as, or (worse) greater than, the last one. You’re taking a descriptive statistic that should be handled with lots of caveats and using it as a goal. You end up doing the wrong thing... corners get cut

why do so many teams delineate “engineering” and “the business”, or “techies” and “non-technical” people?

I think the answer may be defensiveness... (failing to meet) commitment.... to shovel 120 bushels, and it’s evident that we can’t realistically do that. Why not? Oh it must be those pesky product owners, keep bringing their demands from the VP of marketing when all they’re going to do is say “build more”

If the customer rep didn’t keep repping the customer, we’d have time to actually do the software properly, and that would fix everything.

where the agile consultant / retrospective facilitators usually come in: they do know something about process improvement, and even if they know nothing about your process it’s probably failing in similar enough ways

Work out what it is you’re trying to do (not shovelling bushels of software, but the thing you’re trying to do for which software is potentially a solution) and measure that

What, about the way you’re shovelling software, could you change that would make that happen? We’re back at connecting the technical and non-technical parts of the work, of course.

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