(2022-08-22) Chin IdeaMaze Case Library Beta

Cedric Chin is providing a beta access for case study library related to the Idea Maze. If the case library really works as intended, you should feel marginally more comfortable the next time you go out to build a new product or initiative.

The general concept should, of course, be familiar to anyone who has attempted to build a new product before. Scratch the surface of any story about new product development and you'll find a circuitous journey to find a product that works, with a distribution channel that is well-adapted for it, sold to an audience ready to receive it. Sometimes the team is smart enough to iterate towards a product that works. Other times, new products are saved by the world changing around them, enabling (unlikely) success. This uncertain journey of discovery is what 'navigating the idea maze' means.

Hmm, so is the point of the idea maze:

  • that there are many deadly paths, and success comes from seeing the right path from above before you start; or
  • recognizing that every decision could be life/death, and having a way to figure out the right path just-in-time (as you get to that turn in the maze)?
Instagram New company/product -> successAdoption; luck
PayPal New company/product -> successAdoption; luck
General Magic New company/product -> failMany new techs to invent; refuse to target realistic uaer/pain
TikTok New company/product -> successInvest lots of money over lots of time in pivots
iPhone New product -> successMany new tech to refine; have target for evaluating incremental progress
MS Office Product bundle marketing -> successTaking staff out of silos, plus users feeling pushed; make staff bet, but still offer indiv products
Amazon Prime Pivot shipping hassle into membership -> successLose money if wrong behavior shift; debate alternatives, then Disagree and Commit on one for multiple years (execution launch itself took only 14wks)

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