(2022-11-24) Winer What is a Document

Dave Winer pitch for fixing some document standards (cf digital garden standards). One platform requires titles, another doesn't allow titles. One has styling, bold, italic, and links, but can't handle updates. Another has no styling or links, but does allow updates.

The features: Unlimited length... Optional titles... Simple styling: italic, bold... Links... Markdown support... Audio enclosures for podcasting... Documents can be updated.

Whatever agreement there is among writing platforms must also be well-supported in reading platforms. Feed readers (RssAggregators) should already support all these features, because they are specified in RSS 2.0, except Markdown support because Markdown didn't exist in 2002 when RSS 2.0 was finalized. I have included Markdown as part of the source namespace, and it's already supported in FeedLand in both direction (FL is both a reader and writer).

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