(2023-09-13) Thomas Better Together Webcast

Steve Gurney hosted a webcast with Bill Thomas (creator of Eden Alternative) on "Better Together: The Awesome Power of Growing Stronger Together".

Bill's wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Thomas_(physician)

aging literacy

  • knowing about, being familiar with
    • knowing what's ab/normal
      • sleep
      • urination
  • know how-to-use
  • analogy: What To Expect When You're Expecting

"most people move too late"

  • social isolation

Kallimos Communities https://kallimos.com/

  • MAGIC Community (Multi-Ability, Multi-Generational Inclusive Co-Living.)

aging will not move back to AdultChildren

  • too many dual-career households

"friendly societies"

VillageToVillage Network https://www.vtvnetwork.org/

adapting home (aging in place)

  • the house is too damn big

his parents are 84

preventing dementia

  • physical exercise
    • the only thing with evidence

where are they handling aging well

  • Scandinavia
    • "they just don't make a big deal of it"
    • "they just try to help people live"
    • typical apartment building has both childcare and eldercare

neighborhood walkability vs cars

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