(2024-06-25) Cagan Transformation Regrets

Martin Cagan: Transformation Regrets. It’s one thing to talk in the abstract about issues in a company that prevent or hinder transformation, and it’s another to talk about my personal regrets with the various companies I’ve tried to help transform over the years (see background (2022-05-31) Cagan Moore Transformation Defined)

these are my major regrets:

Not Being Tough Enough

I would often see issues that I was pretty sure were real problems, but I didn’t know if the problems were serious enough to truly derail a transformation, or if I was just being too idealistic.

Being Too Tough

It’s one thing to say “we know we need to transform,” but that’s very different from “we know what we need to do in order to transform, and we are willing to do it.”

Agreeing To Just Provide Product Management Training

invariably these places do need to raise the bar on their product managers. But I’ve never seen a situation where this was in any way sufficient.

even when the product teams are working together effectively, can they really do what they need to without strong product leaders doing their part on product vision, product strategy, team topology and coaching their people through difficult situations?

When The Company Is Not Willing To Make Tough Calls

I’ve learned it’s essential to identify these moments, and point them out to the leaders, and try to help them clearly understand what’s at stake.

When The Product Leader Is The Real Problem

this becomes a situation of trying to coach someone that may not want to be coached. I wish I could say I’ve figured out a solid strategy here, but I haven’t.

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