Javascript Server Framework
NodeJs and others
Since JavaScript is so-far primarily a client technology (Javascript Client Framework), now that there's some server-side action, some want to have a coherent system to use for both front and back - a Full Stack Web Framework.
- Derby
- Tower
- Ringo
- Meteor
- Nov'2013: Spike Brehm considers Meteor to be an example if "IsomorphicJavascript", which are JavaScript applications that can run both on the client-side and the server-side... We launched an isomorphic library of our own earlier this year. Called Rendr, it allows you to build a Backbone.js + Handlebars.js single-page app that can also be fully rendered on the server-side... It turns out that most JavaScript modules can already be used isomorphically with little to no modification. For example, popular libraries like Underscore, Backbone.js, Handlebars.js, Moment, and even JQuery can be used on the server... An app doesn’t have to rip out its backend and replace it with NodeJs to use isomorphic JavaScript, essentially throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Instead, by creating sensible API-s and ReST-ful resources, the traditional backend can live alongside the Node.js layer.
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