Joel Klein
Prosecuted Microsoft for Anti-Trust violations:
Jun'00 interview following judge ruling to break up Microsoft
Nov'99 interview after Finding Of Fact
Appoint-ted chancellor of NYC school system by Mike Bloomberg Jul29'02, now has to worry about Educating Kids In Nyc
Ny Times |announcement
Ny Times analysis Mr. Bloomberg believes that those raised in the corporate culture will do a better job managing the schools than those trained in schools of education. But since he began putting out this message with his inauguration speech in January, he has deferred addressing the next logical question. What exactly will a non-educator chancellor do? What will be his agenda?
Adam Liptak Ny Times |profile City Journal articles from before the appointment
TonyColes recommending policy shifts, especially a uniform core curriculum for most schools.
Dear Joel, --2003/10/11 00:43 GMT
As a former graduate of Wm. Cullen Bryant High School, a former classmate of yours and a teacher in the NYC Public School System, I would like to help you with your efforts in reforming our school system. I know you want only the best for our students but education seems to entail many different facits. Over testing to see what our students deficits are is a waste of money and time. Educating our students is a priority... Many tried and true teachers with experience beyond 3 years,especially in the Special Education Area, provide the knowledge to assess our students in language arts and mathematics. The testing that is presently being done in our schools is excessive...and costly in money and time. Testin with the DRA and then the Eclas2 seems to be extremely excesssive. Please, I know you only want the best for our NYC Public School Students but the money and time time entailed in thisese testings far exceed their advantages. Chose one test and then proceed but do it in a timely manner, say September... It is now October and the teachers are still testing and not teaching Reading. However, as a teacher in an inclusion class, it took me one day to ascertain where my students are in the reading agenda. A simple mand-made test provided me with the information to determine their independent reading level as well as their guided reading level. Money from the NYC Board of Education was nil. As a special education inclusion teacher, I learned to modify my lessons and ascertain my students skills. Reading is taught in basically three approaches, Whole Language (god back-ground knowledge), Sight Word-s and Phonics. Not all students, as we both know, learn the same. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that we do all three (3) to provide the necessary skills to learn to read. However, our testing is taking up so much time that, we teachers, can not begin to teach reading. Our new Voyager Series is to take place shortly. However, many of my special Education students, ELL students and general education students do not need to be frustated by this series for two (2) weeks. As a teacher, I already know which students, on which grade level can best be taught. I do not need to waste another 2 weeks in determining if this is beyond their abilities. I truly hope that you will read my comment and contact me! I feel that I, and many of my collesgues, can inform you how s best to ascertain, our students reading levels and mathematics levels, with out spending so much money on these so called soffication tests. Remember, many hands makes for less work. Maybe, our paraprofessionals, who are no longer in our schools provided a much needed service well beyond all our soficated testing devises. Hoping you read my messages and wish to be service to you and our NYC students, I remain
Ms. Linda Bullar
Teacher at P.S. 7
Language Classes are a very important subject of learning --2003/11/20 00:23 GMT
Joel Klein
My children have just started junior high school and were very annoyed when they heard that language was not one of their subjects. As a parent I find this of poor education to children.Language to me is very important. When I was in junior high sdhool I took language as a subject and now I am a pilot an I am required to speak at least two languages, and without taking language in junior high school I would of never been able to have my carrer . My kids would like to become an important thing such as a pilot and i find that they should have language as one of their subjects.Language is a very important thing in the world these days. Please include language in my childs and their schools daily subjects.
Thank You
A concerned parent
Web Site for Teachers --2004/01/22 03:43 GMT
Where is the Web site so that we can respond to the changes in our school enviornment? The cite we were given is not in appropriate or not viable?
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