
Increasing momentum in your StartUp success - growth in revenue or other key Metric (contribution margin)

2014 book ("a Start Up Guide to Product Distribution") by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares (GTM)

Off-line chapter

Offline ads can be easy to test. For as little as $300, you can put out a radio ad in a market you’re targeting and see how it performs


ads in the classified section of a newspaper will appeal primarily to an older crowd that still buys newspapers


To run cheap tests you look for remnant advertising

If dealing with national magazines, consider using a print or ‘remnant ad’ buying agency such as Manhattan Media or Novus Media that specializes in negotiating discounted pricing of up to 90% off rate card

If you’re not sensitive to location or timing, you can get substantial discounts by committing to buy remnant inventory


Jason Cohen, founder of code review company Smart Bear Software, was doing all kinds of offline advertising – magazines, trade shows, newspapers, and more – to sell his software.

Print Advertising


Direct Mail

Local Print Ads

Billboard Advertising

Transit Advertising

Radio Advertising

an ad running on a station for a week is often $500–1,500 in a local market, and up to $4,000–8,000 in a larger market like Chicago

In addition to purchasing ad time, consider the cost of creating your ad. A simple 30-second voice spot can run you $300–500, whereas a professionally recorded ad (sound studio, special effects, etc.) can cost 3–10x as much

TV Advertising


require more time to showcase what they have to offer

through 2 minute shorts, the Snuggie was able to sell millions of units.

Infomercials can cost anywhere between $50,000–500,000 to make. They can be 2 minute infomercial shorts or the more traditional 28 minute episodes


One thing I learned at Smart Bear is that I have zero ability to predict what’s going to work

see also the EOS book

Traction Software, maker of Team Page (Enterprise WebLog software)

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