eraseable marker board http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/000680.php
- walls http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/000679.php
- flexible http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/000700.php
- IRC, Live Chat? CampFire? none are very visual
- Thinka Ture http://www.thinkature.com/
- Nov'2011 update: gone http://techcrunch.com/tag/thinkature/
- UNIS school uses the ActivBoard/Activ Studio
- other: Smart Board http://www2.smarttech.com/st/en-US/Products/SMART+Boards/
- Gary Stager is not a fan. IWBs and their clicker spawn are a terrible investment that breathes new life into medieval educational practices. Aside from producing an illusion of modernity, interactive whiteboards are a pre-Gutenberg technology; the priest chants while the monks slavishly take dictation on their tablets. They reinforce the dominance of the front of the room and teacher supremacy. At a time of enormous educational upheaval, technological change, and an increasing gulf between adults and children, it is a bad idea to purchase technology that facilitates the delivery of information and increases the physical distance between teacher and learner.
- next gen: Ms Surface? http://thinklab.typepad.com/think_lab/2007/06/smart_boards_we.html
- Dabble Board http://www.dabbleboard.com/
- Graph Drawing, Mind Mapping, Diagram
Nov'2011 idea: remote synchronous shared page
- kinda like Adobe Illustrator - single page (but of infinite size) - scroll at will
- place objects
- text block
- list
- nested list
- table
- table with nested lists in cells
- images from elsewhere
- Sketching
- arcs between objects - redraws when object gets moved
- text block
- views updated in realtime
- edit lock at the object level, so multiple people can be making simultaneous changes
- need some parallel Real Time communication, but could be any separate app - text, voice, video
- if really only need 1 person controlling per session, than just do this with Screen Sharing?
- 2021 update: Miro, Excalidraw
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