(2020-11-12) Le Cunff Interstitial Journaling Combining Notes Todo And Time Tracking

Anne-Laure LeCunff: Interstitial journaling: combining notes, to-do and time tracking. The basic idea of interstitial journaling is to write a few lines every time you take a break, and to track the exact time you are taking these notes

Roam Research makes it even easier to do thanks to the flexibility of daily notes.

Notice the mix of goals (“finish the first draft”), self-awareness (“fell into a Twitter blackhole”, “feeling anxious”), self-review (“good progress”), and actionable items (“call Anna”)?

I love interstitial journaling because it’s a great way to make your breaks more mindful

Keeping an interstitial journal in Roam Research

This is what a daily note with interstitial journaling looks like.

Type /time to insert

I genuinely feel silly writing out these instructions. It’s an incredibly simple system to make your journal more actionable—or to actually start a journaling practice

I still use Plus Minus Next journaling for my weekly review.

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