(2022-02-06) Adding SisterSites
I want to add TwinPages/SisterSites for some more Digital Gardens.
All my Phil Jones/ThoughtStorms links were broken because he had gone back to his own software which uses CamelCase for URLs. Luckily he had an AllPages page which I could use to rebuild that list.
Sadly, most other DigitalGardens are private, and most are pretty small.
I looked at AnAgora and found a couple candidates. Sadly, AnAgora pages themselves aren't scrapable because they don't have links to the source-page (I want to link only to the origin). So I have to go looking for lists at each site.
Feb06 I'm looking at Neil Mather's DoubleLoop space...
- a little regex, a little coding, now I have a nice file with every line being a url and a clean-lower-name (for TwinPages matching)
- uh-oh, 99% of his pages have timestamp prefixes, are the stripped names unique? Definitely not
.... phew that looks like the only issue - hmm I see some names with accented characters....
- the URLs are ASCII
- ugh my script had stripped those name-chars, not surprisingly
- in my case, since URL and name are tied more tightly, I only use ASCII in them. I'm gonna be rude and do that to Neil, too. Luckily there's only a few.
- yuck a couple cases where he has spaces within the URL. I turned those into
in my file, then it worked. - now all inserted, see for instance bottom of Zettelkasten
Looking at Boris Mann next
- yikes messy bits, see AnAgora notes
- asking him if he has a list or documentation to avoid me making some mistakes....
- Feb08: inserted his 220 "notes"
Feb08: added Flancian nodes, pointing to AnAgora
Feb08: added Gordon Brander "patterns" pages - 156 unique
Hmm, IndieWeb folks?....
Asking Chris Aldrich if any of his spaces are wiki-like.
- he has an actual wiki but doesn't update it now
- his articles have long/bloggy titles
- his notes have no titles
Tantek Celik: no pages with wiki-like titles
Looking at Nikita Voloboev
- lots of nodes, but in a hierarchy
- but he does have a list to scrape (885 nodes), though have to strip out much of the path to map https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge/blob/main/hardware/fpga.md to https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz/hardware/fpga, but that's not rocket science...
- hmm I wonder whether there's a uniqueness issue on pathless page-name?
- seems ok: see GPU
The bigger issue with these "non-standard" sites is that it would take more work to have the widget work on their site.
Page with most TwinPages: BackLinks
Pondering whether I can strip my blogbit datestamps from names for TwinPages collision - how many uniqueness issues would I have?
FedWiki? 86,508 pages in 1,211 sites! (ah, better link)
- downloaded a big cache
- the list of URLs is in
- I could filter on the size of this file to focus on bigger cases- 15kb file ~ 1000 slugs, there are ~50 of these files
- then the containing directory is the hostname - I could collect those, then assign each a space-name
- I think I have some old code that does some of this....
- seeing some weird results, digging in....
- ah, it looks like each page has its own directory (inside
), which also includes aslugs.txt
(with a single line - itself) - so maybe skip the pages dir... - might also want to skip obsolete (not-live) sites - is the right method to look at the mod-date on file=
? Yep.
- ah, it looks like each page has its own directory (inside
- of the biggest 16 sites, 6 of them are within
: are these redundant?
- there are 36 sites under
- are they all redundant? And if I already have WikiWikiWeb, they're all redundant to that. - also have a site which isn't loading, and which looks like it was probably a full-site-fork -
- and see
seems like a dead fork ofwiki.ralfbarkow.ch
- so I'm going to have to maintain a manual list of sites to skip
- so I'm also going to lower-the-bar for sites to include...
- now getting 55 sites, of which 17 are
)- I'm manually assigning a name to each keeper
- skipping 25 of them, so 30 keepers - here's the list
- http://c0de.academy/view/ skip
- http://c2.asia.wiki.org/view/ skip
- http://cheikh.asia.wiki.orgchat.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://clive.tries.fed.wiki/view/ CliveBoulton
- http://code.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://data.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://david.dojo.fed.wiki/view/ DavidBovill
- http://david.outlandish.academy/view/ DavidOutlandishAcademy
- http://dayton.fed.wiki/view/ DaytonExperiment
- http://discussion.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://don.noyes.asia.wiki.org/view/ skip
- http://don.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://extreme.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net/view/ FrankMcPherson
- http://forage.ward.fed.wiki.org/view/ WardForage
- http://found.ward.bay.wiki.org/view/ skip
- http://future.fedwiki.org/view/ FedWikiFuture
- http://goaljam.org/view/ GoalJam
- http://hack.thought.garden/view/ PlatformEarthHack
- http://ims.goaljam.org/view/ SdgGoalJam
- http://java.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://journal-hapgood-net-paul90.hashbase.io/view/ skip
- http://kerry.tries.fed.wiki/view/ KerryTurner
- http://language.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://makecommoningwork.fed.wiki/view/ MakeCommoningWork
- http://marc.dojo.fed.wiki/view/ MarcDojo
- http://marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/ MarcPierson
- http://nes.marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/ MarcNES
- http://nixos.ralfbarkow.ch/view/ skip
- http://pages.sites.noyes.asia.wiki.org/view/ skip
- http://pattern.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://patternsofcommoning.fed.wiki/view/ PatternsOfCommoning
- http://project.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://refactor.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://risks.rodwell.me/view/ RisksDigestFW
- http://sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://sites.fedwiki.org/view/ skip
- http://sites.noyes.asia.wiki.org/view/ DonNoyes
- http://sofivsm.marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/ SofiVsm
- http://test.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://thompson.wiki.innovateoregon.org/view/ ThompsonInnovateOregon
- http://thought.garden/view/ ThoughtGarden
- http://trails.ward.asia.wiki.org/view/ skip
- http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/ WardAsia
- http://ward.bay.wiki.org/view/ WardBay
- http://ward.fed.wiki.org/view/ WardCunningham
- http://web.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://wellspring.fed.wiki/view/ WellSpring
- http://wiki.dbbs.co/view/ EricDobbs
- http://wiki.parliamentofthings.org/view/ ParliamentOfThings
- http://wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/view/ RalfBarkow
- http://wiki.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- http://www.c0de.academy/view/ C0deAcademy
- http://www.makecommoningwork.fed.wiki/view/ skip
- http://xp.sfw.c2.com/view/ skip
- Feb16: all inserted! Here are the most-seen pages
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/welcomevisitors | 32
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/recentchanges | 23
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/wardcunningham| 17
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/federatedwiki | 15
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/blockchain | 11
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/wikipedia | 11
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/tools | 11
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/patternlanguage | 11
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/wiki | 11
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/javascript | 10
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/chorusofvoices| 10
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/graphviz | 10
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/smalltalk | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/sistersites | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/transclusion | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/tiddlywiki | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/alankay | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/git | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/github | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/jsonschema | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/fedwiki | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/governance | 9
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/noosphere | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/davidbovill | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/permaculture | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/bretvictor | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/extremeprogramming| 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/smallestfederatedwiki| 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/neo4j | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/thebrain | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/liquiddemocracy | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/gametheory | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/creativecommons | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/billseitz | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/tednelson | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/fedwikitools | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/paradigmshift | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/changestothissite | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/roamresearch | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/hypercard | 8
- http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/ipfs | 8
Mar09 looking at Alex Schroeder's wiki - he points me at all-pages page.
- I rip out the datestamp pages, the "image for" pages, and "Comments on" pages → left with 737 pages
- done
Mar10: add Melanocarpa on-request from Timur Ismagilov https://melanocarpa.lesarbr.es/recent-changes/20
Mar17: some more folks are trying to add the widget to their site: (2022-03-17) TwinPages widget for other sites
Mar18: here's the current list of SisterSites:
DaytonExperiment | http://dayton.fed.wiki/view/
FrankMcPherson | http://fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net/view/
Garden2Flux36 | http://flux36.flux2.garden:5000/outer/
WardForage | http://forage.ward.fed.wiki.org/view/
FedWikiFuture | http://future.fedwiki.org/view/
GoalJam | http://goaljam.org/view/
PlatformEarthHack | http://hack.thought.garden/view/
SdgGoalJam | http://ims.goaljam.org/view/
KerryTurner | http://kerry.tries.fed.wiki/view/
MakeCommoningWork | http://makecommoningwork.fed.wiki/view/
MarcDojo | http://marc.dojo.fed.wiki/view/
MarcPierson | http://marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/
MeatBall | http://meatballwiki.org/wiki/
MarcNES | http://nes.marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/
PatternsOfCommoning | http://patternsofcommoning.fed.wiki/view/
RisksDigestFW | http://risks.rodwell.me/view/
AlexSchroeder | https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki?
Flancian | https://anagora.org/@flancian/
BorisMann | https://bmannconsulting.com/
DoubleLoop | https://commonplace.doubleloop.net/
GordonBrander | https://gordonbrander.com/pattern/
DonNoyes | http://sites.noyes.asia.wiki.org/view/
Melanocarpa | https://melanocarpa.lesarbr.es/hypha/
SofiVsm | http://sofivsm.marc.tries.fed.wiki/view/
NikitaVoloboev | https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz/
ThompsonInnovateOregon | http://thompson.wiki.innovateoregon.org/view/
ThoughtGarden | http://thought.garden/view/
ThoughtStorms | http://thoughtstorms.info/view/
WardAsia | http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/
WardBay | http://ward.bay.wiki.org/view/
WardCunningham | http://ward.fed.wiki.org/view/
WebSeitzGarden2 | http://webseitz.flux2.garden:5000/wiki/
WebSeitzPrivate | http://webseitz.fluxent.com/private/
WebSeitzWiki | http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/
WellSpring | http://wellspring.fed.wiki/view/
EricDobbs | http://wiki.dbbs.co/view/
ParliamentOfThings | http://wiki.parliamentofthings.org/view/
RalfBarkow | http://wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/view/
C0deAcademy | http://www.c0de.academy/view/
WikiWikiWeb | http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?
CommunityWiki | http://www.communitywiki.org/en/
MikeTravers | http://www.hyperphor.com/ammdi/pages/
- ping Nick Trombley after discovering his "Barnsworthburning" garden.
- remember I have a title-search-across-SisterSites feature
- hrm I should add these sites to my Google CoOp search engine. Update: jfc they only let you pick 10!
- Mike Travers notes that a number of SisterSites are (already) dead (esp FedWiki sites)
- working from WelcomeVisitors twin-pages. Problem sites are:
- I purged all those (pages only, I left the spaces for some reason...)
- Mike has specifically pointed at Bruno Latour - now a shorter list, and all good.
Aug29: discover that Mike Travers' pages have been broken since April because he changed his host, path, and url-suffix! Db now updated, all good.
Sept14: ask whether CompendiumCards has a list to share. I downloaded ~250 concept
names, but didn't even have the links as part of that....
Sept15: notice that LessWrong has 736 tags!
- fix Boris Mann page-pattern, now works
- fix Nikita Voloboev domain, now works (except most of his pages now require a paid subscription to read!)
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No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/Billionaire... Click here for WikiGraphBrowser
No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/Billionaire