Distributed Membership System
System that lets End Users manage their personal profile in one location, and have Member Sites be able to access parts of that profile (with user's permission) to ease registration and financial transactions (purchases of goods, Micro-Payments for content, etc.)
Beyond Single Sign-On...
Key early example was Microsoft's Passport.
A key benefit of this is having a Global User ID.
Digital Identity WebLog http://weblog.digital-identity.info/
Ed Tech standards for LMS integration: LTI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_Tools_Interoperability
Aug'2013: Tim Bray series on a WebApp developer outsourcing (Federating) his users' id/password authentication to one of the big providers (Google, FaceBook, Twitter, Mozilla Persona...)
- initial pitch
- list of counter-arguments to address
- related: Aaron Parecki presentation on IndieAuth (IndieWeb)
- Bray assessing the risk of failure of the big provider.
- who's watching you - spooks, crooks, monetizers
- looking into the details of Mozilla Persona
- why password managers like 1Password and LastPass don't solve the same problem
- CTO friends of mine like Auth0 as a service to plug into for this https://auth0.com/
Forge Rock IAM http://forgerock.com/
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