FedWiki As Memex-Journal

Mike Caulfield wrote: If I had more programming talent to invest developing a fed wiki clone (or if I had money to buy programming talent), the direction I'd want to pursue is a sort of Hyper Card-like journal that benefits from federation, networking, and a wiki approach to life. I am not saying this is where the core product should go. This would be a more narrowly defined fork. The reductionist pitch would be "It's like Evernote + Hyper Card + wiki. You capture your experience, but you also connect it and share it. You move from capture, to connection, to community." cf memex

Instead of calling pages pages, I'd call them cards, to reinforce (as with Hyper Card) that these are short, modular treatments made for quick reorganization. It also helps people understand the multi-page layout, and it gets people past the "but I'm not a writer" problem of "pages".

In the journal, you'd note everything you learned in a day... From the journal, you'd also be able to push these cards to other sites of yours...

The drag and drop abilities of fedwiki would be improved to support a broader array of "clippings"... people think their real problem is capture (they don't realize the real issue is connection (associative)). Therefore fedwiki would have to compete as a capture/annotation product.

In general, people would probably keep their running journals private, as this would make them more free to add anything they thought of during the day.

Applications and Markets: Education... Business... Life-hackers

Along with Ward I imagine a Pinboard-ish community around the product.

I like the WordPress business model. Open source software plus a service business. That combination has created a situation with WP where 20% of all domains are running WordPress... The Evernote Model might be interesting. Free software, you get charged based on how much you upload each month to the service.

This smells like the origin of Wikity.

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