Video sharing service
reminds me of
David Brin's Earth - with people shooting video all the time and uploading it, in hopes that something would get "picked up"
social-based Transcript writing bits at a time - start by tagging sections of video, etc.
scenario: Citizen Journalism: reporting on City Council meeting
shoot video (will they let you?)
note times of topic shifts
upload video with timing notes as tags
same person or other people can view video and write summaries or even transcripts of a chunk at a time (just what any given person is interested in) (Crowd Sourcing)
But it's really meant to be more "personal": more like FlickR than YouTube.
How many people are going to do this?
You want to think "well, it's the next medium" but is it ever going to be as convenient as a photo?
Doesn't it take forever to upload decent-quality video? Cell Phone-snaps should be much easier, but awfully low-res....
maybe that's the answer, just like Audio junkies can't stand MP3 but everyone else trades off quality for convenience. And with a video IPod, maybe everyone will get used to small-format versions?
- except that this isn't the kind of things you tend to watch multiple times, or watch a lot of, so you're not going to bother transferring it after browsing to some other reader to use later. You're going to browser in real-time. So, since your IPod isn't the device for that browsing, 99% of the viewing will be on the computer screen, so resolution has to be sufficient to be, say, 1/4 screen-size without too much noise.
I wonder how easy it is to take, say, a mini-DVD from a Digital Video Camera and render it to lower-res before uploading...
It's hard to imagine this competing with YouTube and other big players. Is there anyone for them to Sell Out to?
maybe right now to MySpace, who's rumbling about replicating YouTube functionality?
Yahoo Video? They have tags. They don't have private sharing.
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