Multiple Thinking Spaces
How many different spaces should be out there? Why/when create a new space?
- why multiple Private Wiki for a single person?
- why multiple TeamWiki for a given group?
Does having Sister Sites blur the line across spaces? Does having too many Thinking Space-s make things more confusing? What about Intertwingularity?
Context, uniqueness in NameSpace (example - if I'm thinking about 2 different projects/apps to build, I'd like certain pages (User Stories, Positioning Statement, Our Competition) on each), focus for Group Forming Networks
- in practice, I keep a single Private Wiki, and use prefixes to make generic pages unique: Mf Positioning Statement, etc.
- and I have a single WikiLog
editing rights - Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration
Sept'2015: Ward Cunningham currently prefers hundreds of small sites reflecting the hundreds of conversations that interest us.
other related pages: Thinking Space, Collaboration Ware/Wiki For CollaborationWare, WikiWeb
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