aka Wiki Sphere; parallel to BlogWeb, the universe of (clusters of) WikiSpaces. (To think of Wiki-like links across WebApps, see AppWiki!) See also Digital Garden, Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts)
- There is a universe of people Thinking Out Loud on the Public Web. They may also keep private NoteBooks of ideas.
- People want to learn from each other.
- Some people want to Collaborate to move goals forward. They may prefer a loose Coalition, or might create a more formal Organization/Team/Virtual Company.
- Every group/project/organization has a limited Life Cycle.
- People's interests/focus change over time.
- Some people are thinking about similar issues at any given time (meaning "chunk of time" like a week/year/month, not a Real Time specific moment), but aren't aware of it. Or might be willing to bring an idle area of thought into activity for the sake of Collaboration.
- Encourage thinkers to use a WikiLog for Thinking Out Loud. (Wiki Beats Weblog)
- Encourage them to use a Private Wiki for their NoteBook.
- Encourage teams to use a TeamWiki.
- Encourage users and WikiEngine developers to use Automatic Linking/Smashed Together Words/Page Name As URL
- Encourage WikiEngines to provide an RSS feed, and to users to use an RssAggregator.
- Encourage WikiWeb Dialogue for space "owners" who don't want to just let people edit anything.
- Encourage WikiEngine developers to support Sister Sites so a thinker/reader can more easily jump across different spaces covering the same idea.
- Use MetaWiki directory to discover other wikis covering similar topics, which you might end up adding to your Sister Sites list.
- Special case: Student Wiki Web.
Nov'2014 dialogue with friend about Smallest Federated Wiki:
- him: I think there’s a pony in there somewhere. GitHub is sort of an existence proof for federated-ish projects.
- me: I think personal wiki pages are about your own Sense Making, so I don't see reconsolidating as something that adds much value.
- him: i think there is utility in a mixed personal/group wiki structure
- me:
- Yeah, I keep chewing over that bleeding-into (Group Forming) process. I tend toward thinking everyone stays in their own space until they create a more-formal Team, at which point you need more Convergence so it's time to make a shared-team space.
- But I acknowledge there are murkier forms of Working Together (Coalition?) that never reach that level of formality.
- Although I think even there, there might be easier (though sloppier) ways of sliding into interaction: WikiWeb Dialogue.
For techniques above that generate connections automatically, how many wikis should be included?
Maybe just those (~12) from your Creative Network. (Maybe you're a member of more than 1.)
But even with 1 other wiki, a WikiWord can be vague enough to have different meanings in the 2 contexts.
So This actually raises the idea of using messier/richer techniques for sloppy association of sub-wikis. "Apply the WikiWeb techniques above to the nodes in Ross M's wiki that are "close" to the Social Software node, to the nodes in Jack S's wiki that are "close'" to the Education Theory node...." You could use a link-distance calculation (Wiki Distance), or something based on fulltext analysis...
Another idea is to allow stupid linking, but use a richer interface that would make "false" matches more obvious. Say a Touch Graph/Idea Graph view that showed your Cast node linking to Peter J's Cast node, but you would see that Peter J's other nodes connected to Cast were about Metalsmithing, while your nodes close to Cast were about Theater. So you'd just ignore that signal.
How will Group Forming Networks work? (small-scale WikiWeb)
context: Social Software Alliance, Wiki Standards
meta-ramble: I'm not interested in creating Virtual Community for its own sake via Wiki. The HyperText shaping of Information Space imposes an implicit Model over its nodes. I find it hard to achieve Coherence/Convergence outside the following situations:
- a single mind - a Thinking Space
- a small Telic group grounded by Actionable outcomes/Mission - Team Work
assume: everyone smart has their own personal WikiLog (Spreading Wikiweblog)
- and maybe a Private Wiki as well
- probably Multiple Thinking Spaces
- start on your own
- some ideas are on your Private Wiki, some are on your WikiLog
- you start thinking deeply about a specific idea, make separate space for it? Or use Sub Pages?
- find like minds
- typically blog discovery process
- monitor via RSS
- add them to your Sister Sites list
- form group to accomplish something (including Making A Living?)
- fuzzy Virtual Company using Grunt-Fund?
- do you still want to be 100% public/transparent, or is it time for a private SoftwareForge?
- work together (80% of time)
- share revenue
- disband
how work together?
shared TeamWiki (hosted where?)
- coherent common sense (Shared Vision)
- focused Context
- shared To-Do List
- RemoteWikiURL defined for each member's personal site
- Sister Sites for all member sites (Community Wiki:SubsetWiki) (Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration)
- server-side aggregated all-members RecentChanges view (not incl local pages) (NearRecentChanges)
EMail for discussion (WikiMail) (Email Discussion Beside Wiki)
- author in SmartAscii
- first line or RemoteWikiURL-like line defines default wiki NameSpace
- shared global archive? how avoid having everyone receive everything?
with no archive
- send SmartAscii
- Rich Client (Mozilla) renders to HTML, links WikiNames to appropriate namespace, and views HTML
- Reply gives body of original SmartAscii, not HTML
- ?
with archive:
- same as without archive, but also...
- put message's archive URI at the top of the body
- insert Purple Numbers bits
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