Scenes, Collaborations, Inventions, And Progress
I've been in various discussions over the years about how to either create or do-better-at group-forming for support groups, collaborations, scenes, hubs/nexus, movement, or innovation, huge invention to solve grand challenges, or progress and evolution via collective intelligence and collective action...
It's often unclear whether the participants in a given discussion are sharing the same vision, which reduces the odds of creating a plausible promise...
Because a pattern successful for 1 outcome is not necessarily going to help a different one.
My focus is on the digital garden collective intelligence → huge invention → progress → evolution side.
List of candidates to categorize
(starting chronologically) (combining too many candidates, will probably drop some)
2012: Embassy Network
2011: Leverage Research
2011: Center for Effective Altruism
2005: Singularity Institute (which spawned CFAR and MIRI)
1970: Xerox PARC Research Lab
1960: Andy Warhol's Factory
1940: Inklings
1920: Algonquin Round Table
1920: Bauhaus
1910: Bloomsbury Group
1860: Impressionists
1840: American Bloomsbury
1770: Lunar Society (Enlightenment)
1660: Royal Society of London
1640: Invisible College
1580: Florentine Camerata
1450: Florence (Leonardo da Vinci)
1417?: Republic Of Letters
-400: Athens
Things that don't seem appropriate to include
1961: Moon Mission
1942: Manhattan Project
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