Two-Pizza Company
When the entire company is 1 Two-Pizza Team.
If revenue = $250k/employee, then 8 employees = $2M/yr revenue. At $500k/employee (which some companies seem to get close to), that's $4M/yr revenue.
Probably a BootStrap, not a "Start-Up" hoping to become a Unicorn. Still maybe some lessons at Growing Your Startup Tech Product Team.
See Indie
Probably low-touch sales model.
People: (at max)
- owner/founder/CPO
- 4 devs
- 1 designer
- 1 QA (Also leads User Support, but everyone pitches in, for learning.)
- 1 marketing (SEO, Growth-Hacking)
- Else verything else outsourced: Inverted Doughnut
Marco Arment? TumblR, InstaPaper
Patrick McKenzie (old days)
Thirty7Signals, Jason Fried (way past)
Joel Spolsky, FogCreek (way past)
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