Like Button
Name I'm using to stand in for all Sharing Gesture-s/Social Gesture-s online. Needed for Open Social Networking Model
- FaceBook "like" button
- Twitter Re Tweet (and Favorite)
- Google Plus Re Share (and Plus One)
- Google Reader Star (Share is gone, now have Google Plus's Share and Plus One)
- TumblR Re Blog, Like
WebIntents folks [note]( P Y Fb4f Bs R): There are 5 other key use-cases: "subscribe", "edit", "view", "pick" and "save"; that we have identified as an initial set that are game changers that will dramatically change the way people use the web.
- how about "discuss"? (Blog Comment, Discussion Forum, 2012-03-06-EvolutionOfBlogging)
What purposes are served by this?
- LinkBlog - pass along to your friends/readers without adding content (like Social Bookmarking)
- variation: sometimes add a tiny bit of your own content
- manual-Re Tweet where you add a couple words
- my LinkBlogging usually involves (a) multiple non-contiguous excerpts, and (b) converting excerpts into WikiWord-s.
- see Integrating Linkblogging Bookmarking Microblogging Into Wikilog
- variation: sometimes add a tiny bit of your own content
- flagging for yourself (I really don't want every thing I ever read in my Personal Web Archive)
Are there Open Standards for this?
- See Les Orchard thoughts on "distributed social novelty filtering"
- Could Track Back be tweaked for it?
- O Exchange?
- to view/aggregate what your friends are Liking (Social Network Context, Meme Tracker), you'd need a service that would filter/list Likes by Liker, not Likee.
- this could be almost like a super-lite Social Bookmarking service.
- need some good practices to fight the SpamWars. Track Back had big problems with this. Crowd Sourcing Black List?
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