Reality Hacker

I like it as a battle cry, equivalent to Hack The Planet.

Also as an identity (Hero of the Network Enlightenment?): Renaissance Man plus D And D plus Real World Game/Game Rule-hacking.

Also related: Friendly Ambitious Nerd, Hacker, Warrior, Reflective Thinker, The Craft, Resilience, Magick

Becoming A Reality Hacker, How To Raise Reality Hackers.

Mondo2000 (Mondo2K) originated as High Frontiers in 1984, edited by R U Sirius (pseudonym for Ken Goffman). He was succeeded as Editor-in-Chief by Queen Moo (anthropologist Alison Bailey Kennedy, a.k.a. "Queen Mu" and "Alison Wonderland"). Sirius was joined by hacker Jude Milhon (a.k.a St Jude) as editor and the magazine was renamed RealityHackers in 1988 to better reflect its drugs and computers theme. It changed title again to Mondo2000 in 1989.

  • The MONDO 2000 History Project, By: R.U. Sirius, Published: May 26, 2010
  • Dec'2011 interview by R U Sirius of Marc Franklin about those days.
  • Jul'2012: R U Sirius re-publishes the Manifesto/list he made at the time: *What Are The Reality Hackers Doing
    1. Using high technology for a life beyond limits (SMIILE)
    2. Expanding the effectiveness and enjoyment of the human brain, mind, nervous system and senses
    3. Blurring the distinction between Science Fiction and reality
    4. Making big bureaucracy impossible (BigWorld)
    5. Entertaining any notion — using what works (Worse Is Better)
    6. Infusing new energy into PostModern culture
    7. Using hardcore anthropology to understand human Evolution
    8. Using media to send out mutational memes (thought viruses) (Memetic)
    9. Blurring the distinctions between high technology and magic (Magick)
    10. Replacing nerd mythology with sexy, healthy, aesthetic, & artful techno-magicians of both genders.* (Techno Mage)

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