A software package that implements a Wiki.
They vary in the specific features they offer.
singular: WikiEngine
Should note how the "main" ones handle various possible Wiki Standards:
- Wiki Name rules
- Remote Wiki Links handling
- SmartAscii type, ability to include/mix HTML
See WikiWikiWeb:WikiEngineReview
- also huge table (even comparing SmartAscii rules) at Wiki Matrix - has great tools for entering your criteria and getting back just the engines that qualify.
It would be nice if there were some shortlist of the "most popular" choices (in terms of "number of sites" or "number of public sites" or something...).
- on the other hand, for a techie who likes to get his hands dirty, the first criterion should probably be the underlying language/platform. I feel the same way about Content Management System selection.
c2009 Pondering simplest hack to migrate from MoinMoin so I don't run out of file-handle resources in Cheap Hosting
Wiki Matrix search gets me 6: MoinMoin, Sahris Wiki, SubWiki, TracWiki, Zim and Zwiki
There are also some little hacks written in Flask.
Evaluating options c2006
WikiWikiWeb:QuickiWiki, WikiWikiWeb:WikiBase - Perl - the original
- Camel Case only(?)
- no Wiki Wiki Web:InterWikiMap support!
- Wiki Wiki Web:TextFormattingRules
- doubled and tripled single-quotes for italic and bold - yuk
- don't double-break for bullet list
- no HTML support
- RSS: Wiki Wiki Web doesn't have a feed (though there's at least one 3rd-party scraping available); Quicki Wiki does not appear to have feed support.
- standard Camel Case support, plus square brackets
- RemoteWikiURL, each remote wiki must have its own page
- Structured Text, plus can use HTML
- double-linebreaks, even within bullet list
- asterisks/doubled for italic/bold
UseMod (used by Meatball Wiki): Perl
- Camel Case, plus can use doubled square brackets
- UseMod:InterWikiDocumentation - uses single Inter Map page listing - wiki site name needs initial cap but doesn't need to be Camel Case!
- UseMod:TextFormattingRules - HTML tags for bold/italic (in addition to the lotsa-SingleQuote style)
- RSS: uses v1 (RDF) - for 3 days of changes use ; uses 'dc:contributor' for item author (with name in 'rdf:value'; no email); uses 'dc:date' like '2003-11-19T07:14:01+00:00'
Blue Oxen/Purple Wiki (Perl, [based]( Wiki) on UseMod)
- Camel Case
- UseMod:InterWiki
- Blue Oxen:TextFormattingRules variant of UseMod rules
- unique(?) SmartAscii rules - KWiki:KwikiFormattingRules
SocialText (Perl, not based on KWiki)
- unique SmartAscii rules
TWiki (Wiki Wiki Web:TwikiClone): Perl
Wiki Dot Net (C#, Ms Dot Net)
MediaWiki: runs Wikipedia (PHP) -
MoinMoin (Python): seems to have a nice architecture for macros, parsers, etc.; see MoinMoin:HelpOnFormatting and MoinMoin:InterWiki
- really heavy use of single-quotes for italic/bold
- asterisks with no linebreaks (but with leading space?) to make bullet points
- external links - use square brackets to contain URI then space then label
- ....
- RSS: uses RSS v1/RDF
PikiPiki (Python) was the basis for MoinMoin (and some other WikiEngines). Less-featured, but smaller.
- - similar to MoinMoin of course, hate those single-quotes. But at this point I think I have to give up and think of them as one of the Wiki Standards.
Pp Qwiki (Python) inspired by Q Wiki specifically designed for personal use. Even has some FreeMind support.
- yuck uses some sort of frames interface, which will really suck on a tiny Sharp Zaurus screen!
- though it does seem to have a way to hide those menus, and maybe I could hack the code...
OddMuse - Perl, used by Emacs Wiki and Community Wiki
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