Generative Schooling
My bucket-term for schools and similar institutions that provide a more Generative experience than Factory Schooling for Educating Kids. See also Product Oriented Unschooling, How To Raise Reality Hackers
(If it's too late for you, consider DeSchooling.)
list of schools (K-12)
- Michael Strong: Academy Of Thought And Industry, 2014-06-21-StrongKahabeleSchool
- various Sudbury Schools
- High Tech High (charter!)
- New Tech Network
- EdVisions
- Met School/Big Picture Learning
- Self-Directed Learning Center
- MIT Montessori School network
- Reggio Emilia schools
list of school-complements (After-School, etc.)
list of colleges: (Alternatives To A College Degree)
list of Grad School programs
list of thinkers
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