Student Wiki Web
WikiWeb focused on students (esp College Education).
first drafted at
Basic concept:
WikiEngine that can be run cheaply/easily
- for single person having multiple spaces (Private Wiki, WikiLog) (e.g. from their Blue Host account)
- to easily support a few friends, each having multiple spaces, from that hosting
- to host hordes of users (e.g. at a university)
User should want to keep using it for decades, possibly moving the content from host to host.
- so as soon as it is hosted in the cloud, it should have a hostname in a domain owned by the user, so the URLs never change.
- person uses it as his Private Wiki NoteBook/Journal
- same person uses it for his WikiLog
- same person uses it for classes
- some access/rights given to teacher
- some access/rights given to co-students
- usually course-membership-driven
- teacher manages central list/directory of students in that class (ID and space for each student), student can give that group access
- student can then choose to turn off access for that group at end of class
- student may choose to continue to give access to certain individuals (past class-members, anyone else)
- usually course-membership-driven
Features - core
- easy to maintain/admin (for university)
- easy to install on cheap hosting (for individual) (you should be able to support a few friends, too)
- BackLinks
- support for some Single Sign-On mechanism would be good
- InterWiki features like Twin Pages/Sister Sites
Features - probably needed
- Purple Numbers for reference from outside
- for in-space discussion, I tend toward just encouraging ThreadMode instead of attaching some separate Discussion Forum or Annotation System.
- note this works for a single shared TeamWiki - how do it in a distributed WikiWeb? WikiWebDialogue...
- actually it doesn't really work in a TeamWiki either - I always end up relying on Email Discussion Beside Wiki.
- for in-space discussion, I tend toward just encouraging ThreadMode instead of attaching some separate Discussion Forum or Annotation System.
- page-graph visualization tool like Touch Graph (goes along with BackLinks)
- support for non-simpletext content?
- Mind Map, WikiPage As MindMap
- Sketching? Or should that be in separate app that saves as SVG, and WikiEngine should make it easy to include a sketch in a page?
- math equations? I wonder how many math students try to take notes by computer instead of paper? I'd assume it isn't workable, but I wouldn't be surprised to discover otherwise. Mathematica
Why am I interested in Student (esp College Education) market?
- because they do lots of note-taking
- they are more likely to engage in reflective thinking than most other population groups
- unlike techies, they don't want to build/customize/install their own Open Source software.
- so I see them as a good early-adoptor market leading to Wiki Everywhere.
- counter-argument: collaboration (everyone belong to multiple groups) pushes toward a demand for standardization, which turns adoption into an Enterprise sales model.
- how about Home-Schooled High School students?
Aside from software features, this approach probably needs
- "packaging" of marketing communications that university people can find
- some sort of "institution" designed to dialogue with university people. That may not need to be a big corporation, but a single consultant would probably not provide the pretense of longevity necessary to make adoptors feel safe.
a competitor: 2011-11-25-CunyCollegeCommonsInABox
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