Worldview Roadmap

need to try and assemble some of my political/philosophical World View stuff together into some context... I'm giving up logic/proof for the moment and just trying to mix-master these things to tie them together (hmm, Diagram Of Effects?). Let's call the below "Claims".




Maybe I need to write a Pattern Language! :)

Or maybe I need to focus on Actionable mentality: Games To Play.

Market Economy, Open Society (Fractally Open Society)

SmallWorld vs BigWorld

Organic, Emergence, Complexity

Two Cultures, New Economy, Red Vs Blue, D And D


We had a kinda stable understandable Culture (Tribalism). But it's been in increasing flux since the Enlightenment. We've increased Freedom, but at the price of Community. The answer now isn't to go back, but to go forward toward models that help us get Community with Freedom.

Conflict among humans is made worse by combining increasing Diversity of Culture while too Tightly Coupled ("shared" political power, schools, etc.).

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